In brief, some explanations about the services TEXBAY has to offer. More details will be supplied during the onboarding process:
Our Focus:
On TEXBAY, our focus is on textile goods, textile machines and textile relevant services.
Selling on TEXBAY.US:
A member (manufacturer) on TEXBAY.US can market their goods.
In regard to Textile Goods:
On our Online platform, a manufacturer of e.g. fibers, wovens or nonwovens can offer these half-products to manufacturers who may want to convert them into finished goods.
In regard to Textile Machines, Parts & Components:
On our online platform, a Tier 2 manufacturer can offer their parts & components to other, Tier 2 or Tier 1 manufacturers. In return, those can fabricate value added components or end products such as Textile Machines. Any of these products or machines can be offered for sale on our platform TEXBAY & warehoused in one of our warehouse locations.
Uploading Data & Responding To Inquiries:
On TEXBAY, we study your products, document and categorize them on the platform. Within a few "filter-clicks" the customer will find a choice of products. If the customer has questions, they can be addressed straight to either the maker of the product, or to our Technical Customer Service Team.
Training Sales Team Members:
Online zoom or teams meetings, along with e-mail correspondence may be enough to properly train a candidate. More complex products or machines may require a more intense and "hands-on" training. In those situations, a member of the Sales Team can visit the manufacturer's site for "in-depths-training".
Visiting Clients:
Our Sales Team understands that not all products can be sold online. Therefore, TEXBAY offers to send members of the Team to visit the clients. They can go either alone or being accompanied with a representative of the manufacturer. The level of engagement and authorization to negotiate deals will be discussed during the onboarding process.
Compensation Of Sales Team Member:
A Sales Team Member is compensated based on success. This keeps the cost transparent. Upon request, additional services may be required and compensation can be negotiated upon the situation.
Extended Online Marketing:
Our online marketing does not stop with our platform. We will connect with other social networks to get a more broad reach, nationally and internationally.
Additional Marketing Tools:
Furthermore, on behalf of the manufacturer, TEXBAY can exhibit products on trade shows or other forums. Advertising can be organized and placed in various media. This too can be discussed during the onboarding process.
Import & Export:
Our experience with import and export allows us to extend our services in that regard, as well.
Our warehousing services fulfill orders from small to truck load/ container quantities.
Account Manager:
During the onboarding process, TEXBAY will assign an account manager who is going to setup the account, upload the products and help format the information to optimize it for our platform. Furthermore, the account manager will represent the interests of the manufacturer, co-ordinate shipping of products, help mitigate potential problems and update about news, trends and opportunities. This allows you, the manufacturer, to focus on what you do best, namely manufacturing!
TEXBAY offers a unique, hassle-free & professional combination of services for industrial sized manufacturers.
We are the only service provider of this magnitude in the textile industry.
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We are looking forward to working with you!